Having represented a diverse client base across the mid-coast region, Jenny followed the legacy of her father, James W. Gallagher, and grandfather, Hon. Ralph A. Gallagher, of being a true "country lawyer" by resolving legal matters with a strong dose of common sense. She focused on facilitating reasonable solutions for complex property, business, land use, and municipal matters and ensuring clients left well-crafted legacies for their loved ones.


Jenny graduated from the University of New Hampshire with an undergraduate degree in Music in 1996 and a Juris Doctor degree in 2000 (formerly Franklin Pierce Law Center). She began her practice in New Hampshire as an Assistant County Attorney, prosecuting in the Domestic Violence Unit in the Strafford County District Courts. She subsequently worked as a Staff Attorney for the New Hampshire Municipal Association where she provided legal counsel to over 200 member municipalities, provided educational seminars and trainings for municipal officials, and prepared Amicus briefs on important municipal issues for both the Supreme and Superior Courts of New Hampshire. Jenny returned to her hometown, Damariscotta, in 2004 to join in practice with her father, James Gallagher and his late partner Gordon Stein. In 2016, she was instrumental in orchestrating the merger between the venerable “Gallager and Stein” with the up and coming “Law Office of Marcia E. DeGeer” to form Gallagher, Villeneuve and DeGeer, PLLC.


Jenny resides in Alna with her family, where she and her husband run Tin Top Cider Co. She spends much of her spare time in outdoor pursuits with her family, both on the ocean and in the mountains.